2023 LAMDA Symposium
The 2023 LAMDA Symposium was held on the LSU Campus at the Lod Cook Conference Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on July 20, 2023. The Symposium drew participants from all five partner universities, the External Review Board, Industrial Advisory Board, the University of Kansas and institutions receiving LAMDA Seed grants. A highlight of this year’s symposium was the robust participation in the student poster session, showcasing student research and providing valuable presentation practice.
Download the 2023 LAMDA Symposium proceedings here.
2023 Additive Manufacturing Frontiers Conference and the LAMDA Technical Meeting
The 2023 Additive Manufacturing Frontiers Conference and the LAMDA Technical Meeting were held in tandem on February 3, 2023. The Frontiers conference started the day via Zoom, and the theme was “Enhancing Additive Manufacturing Through Advanced Cybersecurity and Machine Learning.” Industry speakers included:
Dr. Felix H. Kim, NIST
Drs. Pramita Mitra and Ellen Lee, Ford Motor Company
Dr. Eric Biedermann, Vibrant
Dr. Michele Maasberg, United States Naval Academy
The in-person LAMDA Technical Meeting immediately followed the Frontiers Conference. LAMDA participants gathered on the Louisiana State University campus for networking and sharing research findings and ideas.
2023 LAMDA Additive Manufacturing Frontiers and Technical Meeting Agenda