2022 LAMDA Research Symposium
The 2nd annual LAMDA Research Symposium was held virtually on July 28, 2022. Dr. Arden Moore from LATech led Session 1: Intellectual Merit, featuring researcher and student presentations on the science drivers, including “Complex Concentrated Alloys (CCAs) with balanced mechanical performance” and “AM-compatible Thermoset Shape Memory Polymers (TSMPs) with enhanced service life.”
Dr. Ramu Ramachandran from LATech led Session 2: Broader Impacts, featuring updates on the Core User Facilities, workforce development, outreach, faculty hiring update, LAMDA seed grants, and the graduate student retreat. In addition, Dr. Besangie Sellars with OEIE at Kansas State University provided information on the external evaluator report.
There were also breakout sessions with the students and postdocs, External Review Board, Industry Advisory Board, leadership team, among others. Dr. Jeanne Small, NSF OIA Program Director, wrapped up the day’s activities with valuable feedback and encouragement.
LAMDA 2022 Symposium Proceedings
Download the proceedings from the password-protected folder
LAMDA Student Retreat and Poster Contest 2022
The graduate students participated in the symposium online poster competition as part of the LAMDA graduate student retreat on June 24, 2022. Graduate student leaders at the retreat were Saber Nemati with LSU, Michael Talachian with LSU, and Nisha Dhariwal with LATech.
26 students from LSU, ULL, LATech, Southern, Tulane and UNO presented their research posters virtually. Welcoming remarks were given by the LAMDA Principal Investigator, Dr. Michael Khonsari. There were also two guest speakers, Dr. Dongmei Cao, who introduced the LSU Shared Instrumentation Facility, and Dr. Dimitris Nikitopoulos who shared information about the LAMDA Core User Facilities.
Congratulations to our 2022 LAMDA Research Symposium graduate student poster contest winners!

1st Place
Diego Segura Ibarra and Fan Li (LATech)
“Predicting the Thermomechanical Response of Shape Memory Polymers using Deep Learning”

2nd Place
William Ard (LSU)
“Can AI/ML outperform human expert in crack detection?”
3rd Place
Adithya Challapalli (LSU)
“Inverse design of thin-walled cellular unit cells for superior strength and impact absorption”
Nisha Dhariwal (LATech)
“A computational study of the impact of Al alloying on the Ti/TiN interfacial strength”
Saber Nemati (LSU)
“Vision Transformers in Automated Material Characterization”
Gloria Sulley (Tulane)
“Machine learning approach for screening alloy surfaces for stability in catalytic reaction conditions”
Obed Tetteh (Southern University)
“Electrically self-healing sandwich panel with a grid-stiffened shape memory polymer core”
AM Frontiers Conference 2022
LAMDA’s inaugural Additive Manufacturing Frontiers Conference was held virtually on February 18, 2022. The theme was “Research Pathways to Industrial Certification for Additive Manufactured Components.”
Guest speakers included: Mr. Paul Gradl from the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Dr. Mohsen Seifi from ASTM International, Dr. Martin White from ASTM Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence, Dr. Nima Shamsaei from Auburn University, Dr. Chase Cox from MELD Manufacturing, and Dr. James Dobbs from Boeing.
2022 LAMDA Technical Conference
LAMDA held the second annual technical conference virtually on March 4, 2022. The day featured speakers on the research occurring for each of the science drivers, plus LAMDA Seed Award recipients introduced themselves and their projects.
LAMDA Outreach Symposium
In an effort to build community around outreach work, the Louisiana Materials Design Alliance (LAMDA) and Louisiana EPSCoR invited Louisiana’s research and STEM education community to attend a virtual symposium to: