LAMDA works in partnership with Louisiana EPSCoR to administer the seed funding programs. See the LA EPSCoR RFx portal to view current RFPs, Q&As, and to submit proposals. Below is a summary of the LA EPSCoR and LAMDA funding programs:
LAMDA Seed Funding
LAMDA Seed Funding Track 1 A: Single Investigator Award
Seed funding to support research projects relevant to LAMDA’s research themes. Individuals who hold a regular tenured or tenure-track or research faculty position at any Louisiana public institution of higher education, or at any Louisiana higher education institution that is a member of the Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, are eligible to apply.
LAMDA Seed Funding Track 1 B: Collaborative Partnership Award
Seed funding to support research projects relevant to LAMDA’s research themes. Partnership projects are designed to create collaborations between a pair of researchers, namely 1) Applicant/Principal Investigator (PI), a non-LAMDA member, and 2) Collaborator, a LAMDA investigator or a LAMDA seed grant recipient.
LAMDA Seed Funding Track 1 C: Postdoctoral Researcher Award
Seed funding to support research projects relevant to LAMDA’s research themes. Individuals who hold a regular postdoctoral researcher position at any Louisiana public institution of higher education, or at any Louisiana higher education institution that is a member of the Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, are eligible to apply.
LAMDA Seed Funding Track 2: Industrial Collaborations
Seed funding to support research projects relevant to LAMDA’s research themes in partnership with industry. Individuals who hold a regular tenured or tenure-track or research faculty position at any Louisiana public institution of higher education, or at any Louisiana higher education institution that is a member of the Louisiana Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, are eligible to apply.
LAMDA Seed Funding Track 3: Core User Facilities Award
This RFP is designed to facilitate science and engineering (S&E) research, education and training opportunities for faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students by providing access for qualified proposals to the LAMDA-CUF.
Deadline: Ongoing basis through June 30th, 2025
LAMDA Seed Funding Track 4: STEM Outreach Award
This RFP is designed to support K-12 STEM outreach projects relevant to: LAMDA’s research themes, the Louisiana Student Standards for Science, and the LaSTEM statewide goals.
View current and past LAMDA Seed funding recipients
Undergraduate Research
Supervised Research Experiences for Undergraduates (SURE) Award
A goal of the Louisiana Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (LAEPSCoR) project, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is to increase the participation of women and other underrepresented minorities and in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. The Supervised Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) program seeks to further this goal by fostering opportunities for such students to conduct supervised research with a faculty mentor.
Links with Industry, Research Centers, and National Laboratories (LINK) Award
Funding to facilitate science and engineering research, education and training opportunities for faculty, post-doctoral researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students.
Louisiana EPSCoR and Louisiana NASA EPSCoR work together for proposal submissions that are nationally competitive, such as the NASA EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) Competitive Research Award (CRA) and Rapid Response Research (R3).
NASA EPSCoR national RFP and Q&A information
For statewide opportunities, see Louisiana NASA EPSCoR and LA SPACE for additional news and proposal information.