The limit is on the department, and not the campus. Per your example, Biological Sciences may participate in one multidisciplinary (as lead or partner) and one department-based comprehensive proposal, but the campus may submit as many multidisciplinary proposals as it deems appropriate. It is important for applicants to note, however, that our funding is extremely limited and we don’t anticipate funding a large number of comprehensive proposals in any given cycle.
For Comprehensive ENH, the RFP states that each eligible department/academic unit may also participate with other units in up to one campus-wide proposal submitted under the Multidisciplinary category. Does this mean that LSU as an institution is limited to only one multidisciplinary campus-wide comprehensive ENH proposal or just that each eligible department/academic unit can only participate in one multidisciplinary proposal (i.e. LSU could submit 2, but the Department of Biological Sciences could only participate in one).
Departmental Enhancement Program