Oversight of the project is provided by the National Science Foundation and the Louisiana EPSCoR Committee. Evaluation and assessment is a critical component of the LAMDA program, and we have formed an Industry Advisory Board, External Review Board, and retain an External Evaluator to provide advisement on all aspects of the project. Members from each of these boards attend the annual EPSCoR symposia and advise the LAMDA leadership on all aspects of the project.
National Science Foundation
LAMDA’s Program Officer is Dr. Jeanne R. Small, NSF EPSCoR Program Director, who provides insight and direct feedback on the LAMDA RII Track-1 Cooperative Agreement with the NSF Office of Integrative Activities.
EPSCoR Subcommittee
The Louisiana EPSCoR Subcommittee is a statewide advisory board composed of 20 members from Louisiana institutions represented by University Presidents, Vice Presidents for Research, distinguished professors, and representatives from industry and State government, including the Deputy Commissioner for Higher Education. The subcommittee meets regularly, provides catalytic engagements across campuses, and monitors the EPSCoR accomplishments.
Les Guice (Chair), President, Louisiana Tech University
Kaneisha Akinpelumi, Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Xavier University
Henry Chu, Professor, Center for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Connie Fabré, Executive Director, Greater Baton Rouge Industry Alliance
Kimberly Foster, Dean, School of Science and Engineering, Tulane University
T. Gregory Guzik, Professor, Louisiana State University and NASA EPSCoR Project Director
Paul Helton, Executive Director, LED FastStart
Chris Kevil, Vice Chancellor for Research, LSU Health Sciences Center – Shreveport
Michael Khonsari, Associate Commissioner for Research & Sponsored Initiatives and LA EPSCoR Project Director and Dow Chemical Endowed Chair Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University
Ramesh Kolluru, Vice President for Research, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Barry LeBlanc, President, CEO, Pamlab, L.L.C.
Deborah Marshall, Assoc. Vice President of Research and Sponsored Programs, Xavier University of Louisiana
Patrick Mensah, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Programs, Southern University and A&M College
Christopher Morrison, Associate Executive Director of Basic Science, Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Giovanni Piedmonte, Vice President for Research, Professor of Pediatrics, Tulane University
Carrie Robison, Deputy Commissioner for Research & Sponsored Initiatives, Louisiana Board of Regents
Robert Twilley, Vice President for Research, Louisiana State University
External Review Board
The LAMDA External Review Board (ERB) is comprised of a diverse group of nationally-recognized experts in the scientific and technological areas spanned by LAMDA.
Joseph Beaman, Professor, University of Texas, Austin, TX
Jian Cao, Assistant Vice President for Research and Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
John Gillespie, Jr., Director and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Alan Needleman, Professor, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Harold Silverman, Baton Rouge, LA, retired Senior Vice Provost, State University of New York System
Susan Sinnott, Department Head and Professor, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

“LAMDA has a strong interdisciplinary team. Collaboration amongst investigators and institutions is evident, common state-of-the-art facilities are impressive, and progress even during COVID restrictions is remarkable. We believe there is a significant opportunity to advance our understanding of AM processes through the research and industrial collaborations that are developing.”
– Excerpt from the 2021 ERB Report
Industry Advisory Board
The Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is made up of senior technical or management personnel from industrial sectors served by LAMDA’s research and education program. It is a key component of the ongoing project evaluation and assessment process and will help LAMDA expand its industry partnerships.
Paul Gradl, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
R. Scott Hyde, Timken Company
Andrew Mallow, LSU National Center for Advanced Manufacturing
Tom McGaughy, EWI
Jerry Peck, Bascom Hunter
Subhash Singhal, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, retired
John Williams, Boeing Research and Technology
External Evaluator
LAMDA’s External Evaluator is the Office of Educational Innovation and Evaluation (OEIE), affiliated with Kansas State University. OEIE designs and implements the comprehensive evaluation plan based on the LAMDA Strategic Plan and in consultation with the internal Evaluation and Assessment and Leadership teams.